Montclair, California - November 24, 2010
The List: 10 things chef David Adjey can’t live without. WineCruzer Carrying Case Tops Must-have List of Celebrity Chef.

World–renowned chef David Adjey is a man of fine tastes and strong opinions. That’s why we were so proud when we learned that he named our WineCruzer wine carrier case as one of the 10 things he can’t live without.
The List: 10 things chef David Adjey can’t live without appeared in Toronto Life magazine, along with a photo of our WineCruzer 8-Pack luggage.
David’s testimonial gets right to the heart of the matter: when traveling, wine connoisseurs and collectors like to buy great vintages. But that’s only practical if they bring along a carrying case that is designed to shrug off thermal shock, violent vibration and, of course, drastic changes in pressure and temperature.
“I travel a lot, and I’m a big wine guy, so I pick up nice bottles wherever I go. The special carrying case I use is called a WineCruzer. It’s the only way to properly transport wine on a plane—it’s insulated, and you can lock it and check it.”
Thank you, David. We know our line of mobile (embedded wheels on most models), crush-proof luggage can carry 2 to 24 bottles and survive anything the weather, the terrain or a globetrotting lifestyle can dish out. But it’s nice to hear it from a professional chef, especially one who actor Dan Aykroyd called "a genius culinary talent."
Adjey has appeared on Iron Chef America and is the star of the new Food Network show The Opener. We wish we could offer his new show the same unconditional lifetime guarantee that arrives with every injection-molded WineCruzer carrying case.
Since that is not possible, we’ll simply wish David continued success and remind him that WineCruzer is always available for “guest” appearances.
WineCruzer. We fly with the stars.